While the system has long become outdated, one of my favorite handhelds is still the original DS (aka the DS Phat). Why? Because Nintendo released it in one of the best color variants ever: two-toned light pink and white.
Since then, Nintendo has released plenty of pink handhelds, but there’s two problems: The colors of pink they’ve used since then haven’t been that perfect shade, and just going solid pink on a handheld without any kind of contrasting color is super tacky.
But now… we have the 3DS XL. Getting the chance to get some use out of the blue + black 3DS XL, I ended up loving the system far more than I had expected to. What I also realized was that the design of the 3DS XL would perfectly serve as a revival for a pink + white Nintendo handheld. Make the main body white, have the outside accent pieces that lovely soft pink, and it’d be perfect!
I dreamed of Nintendo doing such a color combination, and thought that—maybe, just maybe—we could see such a thing in a year, possibly two. And yet, not even a month after having those thoughts, Nintendo announced that very color combination as their next 3DS XL variant! This new 3DS XL will be hitting Japan on September 27th in conjunction with the release of the new 3DS version of Wagamama Fashion: Girl’s Mode.
So—will this pink + white 3DS XL be coming to the West? I feel confident that it’ll be a question of when, not if. As to that question—when—it’s always possible that it could hit in North America along with the release of the English-language version of Girls Mode. (That game—Style Savvy Trendsetters as it’ll be called here—will be released on October 22nd, as I talk about in a previous post.)